It's that time of year, where we come together with loved ones to celebrate each other and the things we're thankful for.

This year is different. We are navigating a difficult environment and facing challenges to celebrating that few of us ever thought we would go through. As the joke goes, this year was a tough decade. With so much that has happened, and so much lost, it is more important than ever to find things to be thankful for.

I would like some time to share a few of mine as it relates to Escape Room Herndon.

I am thankful to be working somewhere that is always presenting opportunities to learn. There is so much to learn from working at our escape room. I definitely feel my horizons expanded.

I am thankful to have an avenue for creativity, and encouragement to exercise it. My ideas may not always be implemented, but they are never dismissed offhand. There is the freedom to create fun puns when giving clues, and I also have the chance to express my creativity in this blog.

Thank You.JPG

In a similar subject, I am grateful to work somewhere that encourages listening to our customers. When we hear issues with our rooms, we always check it out at our first opportunity and look for ways to improve upon the experience. Customers are valued at ERH, we are rooting for our guests to escape.  Generally, it is a very positive experience.

I am grateful to be working somewhere that takes our health seriously. We are given supplies to clean the rooms thoroughly and the schedule was adjusted to give us the time to do so.

Finally, (for this blog anyway) I am extremely thankful for the people I work with. We have a lot of fun working together. The team is diverse, with rich experiences and stories to share, giving plenty of opportunities to see life from perspectives that can be wildly different from my own. There is also an eagerness to accept and help each other that is truly touching. The Cheer's theme is an apt description in many respects for how I feel coming to work.

Taking a moment to reflect on things I am thankful for really helps to provide some positivity in my day, something that has been greatly needed this year. I hope this holiday season we can all find some things, no matter how small, to be thankful for.
